Publications – Completed Projects
Funded Publications
The results of a number of BVOA funded research projects have been published in peer-reviewed journals are:
- Brioschi, V., Rutherford, L., Newell, K., Trotter, C., & Arthurs, G. I. (2020). Computed Tomographic Assessment of Block Recession Trochleoplasty and Partial Parasagittal Patellectomy in Cats. Veterinary and comparative orthopaedics and traumatology : V.C.O.T, 33(2), 102–109. View online>
- Meeson RL, Goodship AE, Arthurs GI. “A Biomechanical Evaluation of a Hybrid Dynamic Compression Plate and a Castless Arthrodesis Plate for Pancarpal Arthrodesis in Dogs”. Veterinary Surgery 2012. View online>
- Forster KE, Wills A, Torrington AM, Moores AP, Thomson D, Arthrus G et al. “Complications an Owner Assessment of Canine Total Hip Replacement: A Multicentre Internet Based Survey”. Veterinary Surgery 2012 View online>
- Nicholson I, Langley-Hobbs S, Sutcliffe M, Jeffrey N, Radke H. “Feline talocrural luxation: a cadaveric study of repair using ligament prostheses”. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (VCOT), (Issue 2, 2012) View online >
- Moores AP, Agathe P, Schaafsma IA. “Prevalence of incomplate ossification of the humeral condyle and other abnormalities of the elbow in English Springer Spaniels”. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (VCOT), (Issue 3, 2012) View online >
- Renwick A, Gemmill T, Pink J, Brodbelt D, McKee WM, ‘Radiographic evaluation of BFX acetabular component position in dogs’, Veterinary Surgery (Issue 5, 2011) View online >
- Clements DN, Kennedy LJ, Short AD, Barnes A, Ferguson J, Ollier WE, ‘Risk of canine cranial cruciate ligament rupture is not associated with the major histocompatibility complex’, Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (VCOT), (Issue 4, 2011) View online >
- Bush MA, Bowlt K, Gines JA, Owen MR, ‘Effect of use of different landmark methods on determining stifle angle and on calculated tibial tuberosity advancement’, Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (VCOT), (Issue 3, 2011) p205-210 View online >
- Guilliard MJ, Segboer I, Shearer DH, ‘Corns in dogs; signalment, possible aetiology and response to surgical treatment’, Journal of Small Animal Practice (JSAP), (Volume 51, Issue 3 March 2010), p162-168. View online >
- Wallace AM, Cutting ED, Sutcliffe MP, Langley-Hobbs SJ, ‘A biomechanical comparison of six different double loop configurations for use in the lateral fabella suture technique’, Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (VCOT), (Issue 5, 2008) p391-399. View online >
- Farrell M, Clements DN, Mellor D, Gemmill T, Clarke SP, Arnott JL, Bennett D, Carmichael S, ‘Retrospective evaluation of the long-term outcome of non-surgical management of 74 dogs with clinical hip dysplasia’ Veterinary Record, (Volume 160, 2007) p506-511. View online >
- Bell JC, Ness MG,’A mechanical evaluation of pre-tapped and self-tapped screws in small bones’, Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (VCOT), (Issue 4, 2007) p277-280. View online >