Organising Committee

Andy Moores



RCVS & EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

Like many of us I suspect, I’ve had a love of orthopaedics since my undergraduate days at Bristol. I was lucky to go into general practice at a time when most surgical cases were still managed ‘in-house’ and so I was able to gain a lot of orthopaedic experience as a GP vet. At that time the BVOA meetings were probably my primary source of orthopaedic CPD and they were highly valued on my route to the CertSAS, and after that to RCVS and European Diplomas. I have been a member of the BVOA for over 25 years and I have a huge amount of affection for the Association. I sat on the committee as Chair of the Education Committee from 2006-2009 and I started the BVOA discussion forum at that time, which continues to be used by members today. I re-joined the committee in 2022 as Junior Vice-Chair.

I have worked in GP practice, academic specialist practice (University of Bristol and Royal Veterinary College), independent and corporate specialist practice and as a surgical locum. Currently I am Clinical Director at The Moores Orthopaedic Clinic, an independent specialist orthopaedic clinic near Basingstoke in Hampshire which we opened May 2023. I hope my diverse experience is valuable in serving and representing our members from across the UK small animal orthopaedic community.



Mark Bush

Past Chair

I qualified from Cambridge University in 1999 and later undertook a surgical residency training program in small animal orthopaedics at the University of Bristol and Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists. I hold the RCVS diploma in Small Animal Surgery (Orthopaedics) and I am a RCVS Recognised Specialist in small animal orthopaedics. I worked for many years in two large and busy referral hospitals before establishing a referral practice close to Cambridge.

I have a number of professional interests within orthopaedics, but my principal concern during my time on the BVOA committee is addressing the relatively small number of female vets interested in the discipline of small animal orthopaedics.

Ian Simpson

Vice Chair

I qualified in Pretoria, South Africa, before the dawn of time and started my orthopaedic experience almost straight after qualifying. I moved to the UK in 1990 and underwent training and obtained the Certificate in Orthopaedics in 1992, examined by the late great Lesley Vaughan amongst others. I have since then owned or been partners in three practice groups, doing GP and referral work alongside until joining Lumbry Park Vet Specialists in 2017 and have not touched an anal gland since! I have also worked at Davies and Anderson-Abercromby, but spend most of my professional time doing peripatetic orthopaedics and neurosurgery. I have a particular love for seeing paralysed patients “pick up their bed and walk” post-surgery, and also enjoy the new 3D-printed guides we get to correct limb deformities etc these days. Although the French Bulldog is not my favourite breed, I give daily thanks for its’ amazing capability to support so many referral ortho- and neuro surgeons and their families in the UK.

I was previously treasurer of the BVOA for a number of years, and am now happy to put my name forward for Junior chair. I am a keen golfer, mountain biker, and skier, though find that more and more things hurt these days. Ho hum… we march on!!


James Guthrie

Education Secretary (joint)

I joined the BVOA as a new graduate and was very grateful for the opportunity to present one of my first research projects as an abstract at the spring meeting of 2011. As well as providing delegates with useful and up-to-date CPD; and the chance to network with other clinicians and companies, the BVOA meetings have the ability to have a significant impact on people’s careers, and I would love to help contribute to this.

I have experience of working in general practice, with those just starting their interest in orthopaedics; as well as working alongside certificate holders (I completed my RCVS surgery certificate in general practice), and I now work as a specialist at Fitzpatrick Referrals. Subsequently, I feel I can relate to many of the members of BVOA; incorporating the broad spectrum of their needs into constructing the educational meetings.


Jan Janovec

Education Secretary (joint)


Senior Surgeon, Fitzpatrick Referrals

RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

Jan graduated with honours from the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno (Czech Republic) in 2008. He underwent his specialist training at Fitzpatrick Referrals and became an ECVS and RCVS specialist in 2018. Since then, he worked as a referral surgeon at several veterinary specialist hospitals, before returning to Fitzpatrick Referrals in December 2021.

Jan enjoys all aspects of small animal orthopaedics with a special interest in fracture management, joint replacement, and revision surgery. Apart from his clinical work, Jan is involved in clinical research and training of future veterinary specialists.

Gareth Harries



RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery

Gareth qualified from Glasgow in 1995 and then worked in atraditional mixed practice in Staffordshire before realising that horses and cows weren’t for him.Never intending to become a surgeon, let alone develop an interest in orthopaedics, he moved to the PDSA working in clinics in the Midlands, Newcastle uponTyne and then North London. He moved to Goddard’s Wanstead Hospital before returning to Staffordshire & Cheshire. He completed his certificate in 2005 andbecame a partner in a large mixed practice in Cheshire.In 2014 he moved on to become a peripatetic surgeon. Away from work, like the rest of the population, he enjoys walking his terrier and 2 Vizslas (and drinking too much).

Contact Gareth at

Alex Belch



Alex graduated from Glasgow Vet School in 2006 and became an EBVS European Specialist surgeon in 2018 and an RCVS Recognised Specialist in 2019. He currently works in the orthopaedic team at Langford Vets where he has been for the last 4 years. Alex says it is a privilege to have been nominated for the position of secretary of BVOA. It is an organisation he has enjoyed attending regularly over the last 10 years. He hopes he can help the organisation continue to create fantastic meetings where we can share ideas in a friendly, welcoming environment.


Rob Quinn

Scientific Secretary


RCVS & EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

Rob graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2009 and spent 5 years in general practice in both the UK and Australia before specialising in surgery through a residency at Dick White Referrals. He became an EBVS European Specialist in 2019 and an RCVS recognised specialist in 2020. Rob has always had a keen interest in research and first research paper furthering veterinary knowledge. Rob has published numerous articles in the veterinary peer-review literature and continues to be involved in both clinical and pre-clinical research whilst working in private referral practice. 

He took on the role as Scientific Secretary in 2022 and hopes to increase the awareness and uptake of the BVOA grants to enable high quality orthopaedic research to continue to be supported by the BVOA. Rob aims to encourage younger veterinary surgeons to get involved with research projects and is happy to give feedback on study design as well as providing ideas for study projects.

Contact Rob on

Heather Eastham

Member at Large

RCVS recognised Advanced Practitioner in general Small Animal Surgery

Heather qualified from Glasgow in 2006 and after a few years in mixed practice, followed by a couple of years locuming and travelling abroad, eventually settled in North Yorkshire and has worked in an independent practice in Harrogate for the last decade. As her interest in Orthopaedic surgery grew, along with her caseload, she started attending both the Spring and Autumn BVOA meetings and has been a regular attendee for the last 9 years or so. Heather is keen to work with the other committee members to keep our membership strong and our meetings current and relevant and hopes to be a voice for those lone working and/or in general practice.  The formal duties of the member at large involve producing the biannual newsletter, managing the website and moderating the google discussion forum. She aims to revamp the BVOA social media so keep an eye on facebook, twitter and instagram. 

Contact Heather on

Rachel Jermyn


Rachel is the backbone of the BVOA- she works incredibly hard to coordinate membership and organise both the spring meeting and autumn conference. Rachel deals with all of the general BVOA admin ontop of her busy job within the management team of a small animal practice in Devon. Please be nice to Rachel and try to pay your membership and course registration fees promptly- thank you!

Contact Rachel on