BVOA Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts – BVOA Spring and Autumn 2025

The BVOA invites all members of the profession to submit abstracts related to veterinary orthopaedics for presentation as part of the clinical research abstract sessions in the spring and autumn meeting.

Preference will be given to abstracts that have clinical relevance and those supported by the BVOA research grants. Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes and followed by 5 minutes of questions/discussion.

The deadline for submission will be 3 months prior to the date of the meeting and will be indicated on the BVOA website (

Please use the template for submission provided here and submit these via email to Scientific Secretary at

Successful authors will receive a discounted registration fee for the meeting.

Presentations at BVOA are eligible as international presentations for the purpose of ECVS residency credentials.

Call for Abstracts – General Principles

All members of the profession are invited to submit clinical research abstracts to be considered for presentation at the BVOA Spring and Autumn Meetings. Deadlines for 2025 are 5th January and 31st August respectively.

Abstracts presented at the Autumn Meeting of BVOA by a graduate of less than 12 years will be eligible for the Leslie Vaughan Prize. Undergraduates and non BVOA members are eligible for consideration. The Leslie Vaughan Prize was instigated to mark the contribution of Professor Vaughan to veterinary orthopaedics and to encourage and reward a young investigator for their contribution to the field of veterinary orthopaedics. Previously, the award was given to the first author of the best orthopaedic Clinical Research Abstract (CRA) presented (by a BVOA member qualified less than 12 years) at the BVOA Spring meeting. From 2024 this has moved to the Autumn Meeting to allow more time in the programme for abstract presentations. 

Judgement of the eligible abstracts will involve balloting of the audience and the prize presented before the end of the meeting.

The Prize will include:

      •  Acting as caretaker for the sculpture by Hamish Denny that “embodies” the prize (to be returned the following year).
      • A certificate
      • Free registration and hotel accommodation for the BVOA Autumn meeting the following year OR a cheque for £500.